Intra canal medication in endodontics




Endodontics, intracanal medication, root canal treatment


Endodontics is a set of procedures that are carried out to treat problems that occur in the pulp tissue. When the treatment is to be carried out in several appointments, it is recommended to use an intracanal medication, in order to eliminate the bacteria that may persist in the canals after their chemical-mechanical preparation, reduce inflammation of the periapical tissues, and reduce persistent exudates in the apical area. This procedure consists of the topical application of medications within the root canal system to achieve local therapeutic effects and not at a systemic level. A search of scientific articles was carried out in scientific bases: Pubmed, Elsevier, Google Scholar, Scielo, Medigraphic. This research aims to describe the characteristics and indications of intracanal medications and to identify which medication is the most preferred in the type of treatment mentioned above. It is concluded that most of the authors prefer the use of calcium hydroxide, since it has a bactericidal effect, in addition to remaining inside the canals for long periods of time, more than other drugs suggested in the bibliography, taking into account that they are the most used in biopulpectomies treatments, and in necropulpectomy treatments, the drug of choice is camphorated paramonochlorophenol, and even calcium hydroxide with saline and camphorated paramonchlorophenol.


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How to Cite

Pérez Solis LF, Fuertes Paguay MA, Vaca Martínez MM, Jácome Chiluisa AN. Intra canal medication in endodontics. Interamerican Journal of Health Sciences [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 22 [cited 2025 Feb. 13];4:89. Available from: