Do the alginates show true instructions for setting time?




Alginate, setting time, impression


Objective: Check the correspondence of the setting time predisposed in the indications for use of the alginates IQ green and Max Print. Materials and methods: A patient was selected so that the operator can test the two types of alginates (Max Print and IQ green) in the upper jaw at the time of making an impression, thus testing whether the indications regarding setting time are correct with a minimum of error in obtaining them. Results: The models obtained presented many statistically insignificant changes with respect to the instructions indicated in each alginate, however, the evaluation was also oriented towards the result of the impression. Conclusion: It can be distinguished that each alginate shows good results at the time of obtaining the impression and although each one has its own indications, it is shown that the setting time meets the objective of the two selected brands.


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How to Cite

Pérez Villalba LD, Freire Villena DC, Almachi Chancusig JN. Do the alginates show true instructions for setting time?. Interamerican Journal of Health Sciences [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 22 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];4:85. Available from: