Dimensional stability and reproduction of anatomical details in alginate impressions with different pouring times
This investigation was carried out on 10 patients, 3 impressions were taken from them and they were cast: instantly, in one hour and two hours. Objective: To analyze the dimensional stability of impressions with alginates and to evaluate the anatomical details at different casting times. Methodology: Follow the alginate and plaster casting protocols to achieve efficient impressions. Measure the distance between canine and canine; the distance between the plus of the canine and the mesiopalatal cusp of the second molar. Results: The negative prints do not lose their dimensional stability, the snapshots have an average surface area (3.6), in one hour (3.6) and the only very minimal variation was the two-hour print (3.5). Conclusion: it was denoted that with the passage of time of emptying and upon removal, the dental pieces had different, more notable deterioration in both the palatal and vestibular cusps.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Daniela Sabina Rosero Pilco, Jackelin Adamaris Guadalupe Chamorro, Franco Ariel Santamaría Chiriboga, Luz Amelia Granda Macías (Author)

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