Clinical manifestations of cystic fibrosis




Cystic fibrosis, cystic fibrosis, zinc manifestations, signs and symptoms


Cystic fibrosis is a severe genetic disease that is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner, affecting the short arm of chromosome 7 of the CFTR gene, causing alterations in the transmembrane conductance regulator protein (CFTR), This causes dysfunctional transport of chloride, sodium and bicarbonate leading to the generation of thick and viscous secretions in the lungs, pancreas, liver, intestine and reproductive tract while in the sweat glands there will be increased salt content.  The clinical manifestations depend on the degree of mutation present in the gene, and may appear within a few months of birth or may even take decades. Life expectancy in patients with cystic fibrosis in Ecuador is 9.5 years and is mainly related to the quality of treatment and especially with early diagnosis since lung damage begins at birth.  A retrospective study was made with various databases and keywords related to Cystic Fibrosis and it was found that the main system affected is the respiratory system, its main clinical manifestations, persistent productive cough, hyperinflation of lung fields and airway obstruction, as the disease progresses and exposure to infections, there will be a progressive deterioration of the lung that will manifest itself in acute exacerbations of cough, tachypnea, dyspnea and increased sputum production. With respect to the digestive system, two thirds of CF patients have pancreatic insufficiency and most have signs of poor or deficient fat absorption, including symptoms and signs such as steatorrhea, growth retardation or weight gain, and in infants edema, hypoproteinemia, electrolyte loss and anemia may occur.


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How to Cite

Muyulema Muyulema LE, Olivo Torres RE del C, Tobar Armendariz KA. Clinical manifestations of cystic fibrosis. Interamerican Journal of Health Sciences [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 21 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];4:68. Available from: