Importance of mental health in patients with post-abortion




abortion, mental , health, psychology, gynecology, referral


In recent years, the incidence of side effects such as mental health problems in patients who have undergone an abortion has significantly threatened and a large number of women have symptoms of depression, anxiety, fear, among others. A condition that affects the mental health of patients who have experienced an abortion is age, family planning and sexual education that can lead to having a induced or spontaneous abortion. In recent years it has been thought that family planning is only the administration of contraceptive methods to avoid pregnancy, however, its concept leads to the fact that it is also the correct preparation to be able to carry out a pregnancy without risks. The objective of this was to evaluate the influence of mental health in patients who have undergone an abortion without difference in age or type of abortion. The methodology used consisted of a search for information in books, scientific articles, review of medical records and interviews with patients who were admitted by the emergency service of the Marco Vinicio Iza General Hospital, with a diagnosis of abortion, where upon discharge they were I verify that only the adolescents had psychological care or a referral to the psychology service, however the group that were not adolescents also presented complications with their mental health, but they were not taken into account for proper treatment or follow-up.


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How to Cite

Solis Castillo KS, Vargas Peña JJ, Bonilla Ledesma DV. Importance of mental health in patients with post-abortion. Interamerican Journal of Health Sciences [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 19 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];4:59. Available from: