Efficacy of drugs for urinary incontinence in older adult patients





Incontinence, Interactions, Pathologies, Prevalence, Drugs


According to current legislation, pharmacists, as those responsible for the dispensing of medicines, must ensure compliance with the guidelines established by the doctor responsible for the prescription, and cooperate in monitoring treatment through pharmaceutical care procedures, to contribute to ensure its efficacy and safety. Likewise, they must participate in carrying out activities aimed at the rational use of medicines, a task that hospital pharmacists and individuals have been trying to lead in recent times. Under these functions, pharmacists must bet on the preparation of pharmacotherapeutic reports, which help doctors to assess the true efficiency of medications in each patient, with pharmaceutical validation as one more value to achieve maximum health in the population. UI is a common symptom that occurs in different diseases, affecting all population groups, ages and both sexes, although it is more frequent in women than in men. It is an important pathology due to its frequency, severity, economic and psychosocial connotations. Despite the growing interest that UI arouses in our country, there are few epidemiological studies that evaluate the prevalence of this pathology in the different groups on which it is based.


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How to Cite

Vargas Peña JJ, Solis Castillo KS, Olver Moncayo DH. Efficacy of drugs for urinary incontinence in older adult patients. Interamerican Journal of Health Sciences [Internet]. 2024 Mar. 14 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];4:58. Available from: https://ijhsc.uai.edu.ar/index.php/ijhsc/article/view/58