Relationship between vitamin D deficiency and development of neurodegenerative disorders. Systematic Review


  • Delfina Plaini Facultad de Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad Abierta Interamericana. Argentina Author
  • María de los Ángeles Baña Facultad de Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad Abierta Interamericana. Argentina Author



Vitamin D, Vitamin D and Alzheimer’s Disease, Vitamin D and Parkinson’s Disease, Vitamin D and Multiple Sclerosis, Preventive and Vitamin D


Introduction: vitamin D achieved a leading role in areas of biomedical research because it is produced industrially to be used in food and dietary supplements. Its deficit is prevalent in many countries regardless of geographic location or time of year. Beyond its role in calcium and skeletal metabolism, its insufficiency is identified in the pathogenesis of multiple diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Analyzed studies show that low levels of vitamin D in plasma increase the risk of dementia, motor-cognitive impairment and contribute to decreased memory.

Objectives: to determine the relationship between vitamin D deficiency and the development of neurodegenerative diseases such as: Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, as well as the possible therapeutic effects of its supplementation to understand its relevance and inform treatment strategies in patients with these pathologies.

Method: a systematic review of the literature was carried out, collecting selected articles on scientific research platforms: PubMed, Google Schoolar, SciELO, MedLine Plus,, Neurologí, in order to retrospectively analyze the relationship between vitamin D deficiency and the establishment of neurodegenerative diseases in certain documented study populations with the purpose of encouraging new research that analyzes possible therapeutic effects of Vitamin D supplementation in the course of neurodegenerative pathologies


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How to Cite

Plaini D, Baña M de los Ángeles. Relationship between vitamin D deficiency and development of neurodegenerative disorders. Systematic Review. Interamerican Journal of Health Sciences [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 18 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];3:154. Available from: