Incidence of maxillary osteonecrosis due to the use of bisphosphonates


  • Adolfo Ariel Brun Universidad Abierta Interamericana, Facultad de Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud. Argentina Author
  • Marcelo Adrián Estrin Universidad Abierta Interamericana, Facultad de Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud. Argentina Author



Osteonecrosis, Jaw, Oral, Bisphosphonate-Induced


Introduction: bisphosphonates are products commonly used for the treatment of osteoporosis, mainly for this reason; A wide variety of molecules can be found on the world market. One of the adverse side effects of these drugs is maxillary osteonecrosis reported in patients who have used these products, especially after receiving invasive dental treatments. This is a severe reaction to these drugs and several risk factors have been seen to be involved in its incidence.

Objective: the objective of this work is to find scientific evidence to determine the relationship between the incidence of maxillary osteonecrosis and the use of oral bisphosphonates.

Methods: a systematic search of publications on controlled clinical trials and observational studies reporting incidences of maxillary osteonecrosis in patients using bone antiresorptive agents was carried out in the DialNet, DynaMed, PubMed, MedLine, Nature, JStor, NIH and SciencDirect databases.

Results: t was found that the incidence of maxillary osteonecrosis considerably variable depending on the clinical condition of the patient receiving treatment whit bisphosphonates.

Conclusion: osteonecrosis due to consumption of bisphosphonates is a low frequency pathology, its incidence is directly modified by factors such as polypharmacy and type of underlying pathology, as well as the type of bisphosphonate molecules, dose, and time of exposure to them


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How to Cite

Adolfo Ariel Brun AAB, Estrin MA. Incidence of maxillary osteonecrosis due to the use of bisphosphonates. Interamerican Journal of Health Sciences [Internet]. 2023 Jan. 3 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];3:102. Available from: