Assessment, diagnosis and planning of PAE in patients with hypertension from the ‘’Hombro a Hombro’’ Foundation, Santo Domingo
Arterial hypertension, Level of knowledge, Nursing, Planning, DiagnosisAbstract
Introduction: Arterial hypertension (HTN) is a disease that has gained great importance worldwide in recent centuries and is now considered a pandemic. Some reasons are the changes caused by modernization, in addition to the increase in life expectancy due to advances in measures against infectious diseases.
Methods: The research is developed under the quantitative approach, as a descriptive cross-sectional field research. The global population for the study of this research was made up of patients between 18 and 80 years old with HTN problems at the ‘’Hombro a Hombro’’ Foundation located in the Carlos Ruiz Burneo cooperative, but there was no list with the total population. The variables were analyzed: Conditioning Factors of HTN (Sociodemographic data, perception and management of health and general knowledge about HTN).
Results: The female sex predominated with 33 women, representing 66% of the total. 60% were diagnosed between 6 months and 1 year, 16% were between 2 and 4 years old at the time of diagnosis. It was found that 36% do physical activity once a week. 82% stated that arterial hypertension is a disease that raises blood pressure above normal levels and mainly affects the heart. A low level of knowledge was found on the part of the nursing staff.
Conclusions: In the study carried out there was a predominance of the female sex, where a significant number were diagnosed in a relatively recent time. A low level of knowledge was found on the part of the patients surveyed and the nursing staff involved in the study
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Copyright (c) 2025 Jennifer Lizcano Ramírez , Nathaly Paola Simbaña Flores , Katherine Zambrano Jennifer , Jenrry Fredy Chávez-Arizala (Author)

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