Efficacy and safety of male hormonal contraceptives





Testosterone, Male Fertility, Male Hormonal Contraception, Family Planning, Spermatogenesis


Introduction: unwanted pregnancy accounts for almost half of all pregnancies worldwide. A wide variety of contraceptives are available for women, but not for men. Many men wish to take a more active role in family planning, but currently only two male contraceptive options are available: condoms and vasectomy. Male contraception began in the 18th century with the use of condoms and later in the 19th century with vasectomy. In recent years, there has been a delay in the research and development of male contraceptives, leaving men with few options. 
Objectives: to describe the efficacy and safety of male hormonal contraceptives.
Methods: a search for information was conducted in the Pubmed database. Articles published between 2002 and 2024 in both English and Spanish were examined, clinical trials were selected and the results obtained in them were analyzed.
Results: a total of 60 publications were reviewed, of which 15 met the inclusion criteria. The populations studied were young, healthy men.
Conclusion: despite the limited variety of contraceptive methods available for men, science has made significant advances in the development of new hormonal methods. These advances promise, in the not so distant future, to offer safer, more effective and more accessible options for birth control for men


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How to Cite

Maciel CD, Sabattini AC. Efficacy and safety of male hormonal contraceptives. Interamerican Journal of Health Sciences [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 21];5:255. Available from: https://ijhsc.uai.edu.ar/index.php/ijhsc/article/view/255