OHVIRA syndrome: report of a case in Bolivia





Dysmenorrhea, Hematometra, Müllerian Malformations, Renal Agenesis


Introduction: the OHVIRA Syndrome was described by Herlyn Werner Wunderlich and in 1976 Wunderlich
described a grouping of right renal aplasia with bicornuate uterus and simple vagina in the presence of an isolated hematocervix, as a characteristic triad uterus didelphys, intercepted hemivagina and ipsilateral renal anomaly, it is generally performed The diagnosis occurs in puberty at the beginning of menarche, with manifest symptoms of progressive dysmenorrhea and non-specific abdominal pain in the hypochondrium; urinary retention, urinary infection or a pelvic mass usually appear.
Clinical case: the case of a 13 - year - old patient is presented, who comes to the clinic with abdominal pain and
transvaginal bleeding. Imaging studies are performed and due to the characteristics of said studies, the presence of OHVIRA Syndrome is suspected.
Discussion: once the imaging studies were performed and the diagnosis confirmed, a surgical procedure was
performed under general anesthesia. Through exploratory laparotomy, a bicornuate uterus was visualized, the
right uterus larger than the left, and adherence to the abdominal wall, so an open intervention was decided.
Conclusions: OHVIRA syndrome coexists with a rare malformation and is often misdiagnosed as other more
common etiologies of dysmenorrhea in adolescents, as a consequence it delays a correct and early diagnosis,
increasing the risk of kidney damage and its complications. In our clinical case, a timely diagnosis was made and
surgical treatment was subsequently planned with a favorable outcome


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How to Cite

Rivero Castedo L, Auza-Santivañez JC, Jimenez-Fernandez RC, Carrera González E, Rossio López Castillo A, Soneira Pérez J. OHVIRA syndrome: report of a case in Bolivia. Interamerican Journal of Health Sciences [Internet]. 2024 Feb. 23 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];4:182. Available from: https://ijhsc.uai.edu.ar/index.php/ijhsc/article/view/198