Analysis of the social perception of the importance of foodsecurity in the Santa Rita farm, El Pescador, San Vicentedel Caguán, Caquetá, Colombia


  • Diana Mayerly Cortes Arias Universidad de la Amazonia. Florencia-Caquetá, Colombia Author
  • Davier Fernando Casas Ríos Universidad de la Amazonia. Florencia-Caquetá, Colombia Author



Food Security, Marketing, Crops, Consumption


The practice of home gardening arises as a necessity in the face of the reality of rural life, which involves different
problems faced by farmers every day. It is important to know the perception that these producers have of the state
of food security in which they find themselves in order to understand the dynamics that are generated around
this and the degree of participation and appropriation of this productive idea. In this sense, this diagnostic study
was carried out in the department of Caquetá, in the village of El Pescador in the municipality of San Vicente del
Caguán, Santa Rita farm, with a family of cattle and vegetable producers. The results allowed determining that,
although the farm carries out other types of production such as cattle raising, the implementation of the vegetable
garden is considered an activity of great importance for the food security of the family and that it generates an
improvement in the economic aspect by making their production a business opportunity by commercializing it


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How to Cite

Cortes Arias DM, Casas Ríos DF. Analysis of the social perception of the importance of foodsecurity in the Santa Rita farm, El Pescador, San Vicentedel Caguán, Caquetá, Colombia. Interamerican Journal of Health Sciences [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 9 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];4:173. Available from: