Pregnant women with teratogenic risk due to alcoholconsumption in a health area of la Havana




Alcohol, Congenital Abnormalities, Family Planning, High-Risk, Pregnancy, Teratogens


Introduction: alcohol consumption during pregnancy represents a current problem. Damage in the first trimester
is more severe because very rapid formation and development of organ systems is occurring.
Objective: characterize pregnant women at risk for alcohol consumption in a health area.
Method: descriptive and longitudinal study of pregnant women from the Mártires del Corynthia polyclinic,
Havana. 2019 - 2023. The sample consisted of those classified as having increased risk due to teratogenicity who
consumed alcohol and consented to participate. The information was collected in a semi-structured interview and the child was assessed between one and three months. Qualitative variables were studied that were dichotomized into yes and no. The results were described through descriptive statistics.
Results: 35,5 % of the total pregnant women consumed alcoholic beverages. 11,8 % were classified as having
increased risk due to alcohol use. 89,5 % did not plan pregnancy. It was difficult to obtain accurate information on alcohol consumption. Only 3,4 % were aware of the actual harm to the fetus and infant. 70,7 % of those studied were at optimal ages to procreate. 17,2 % of the children of pregnant women had minor Congenital Defects (CD).
Conclusions: the number of pregnant women with increased risk of teratogenicity due to alcohol consumption
who did not plan their pregnancy and who drank during the embryogenesis period was high. It was not common
to find alterations in the prenatal and peripartum periods. There were few CDs in the children of mothers who
consumed alcohol


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How to Cite

Diaz KA, Ramírez Santos I, Dominguez Mendez M. Pregnant women with teratogenic risk due to alcoholconsumption in a health area of la Havana. Interamerican Journal of Health Sciences [Internet]. 2024 Feb. 13 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];4:180. Available from: