Risk of diabetes mellitus type 2 in students of the Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tsáchila, Santo Domingo, Santo Domingo, 2022


  • Ana Nereida Godoy Cagua Instituto Superior Tecnológico Adventista del Ecuador. Santo Domingo, Ecuador. Author
  • Nataly Silvana Granja Ati Instituto Superior Tecnológico Adventista del Ecuador. Santo Domingo, Ecuador. Author
  • Miguel Ángel Enríquez Jácome Instituto Superior Tecnológico Adventista del Ecuador. Santo Domingo, Ecuador. Author
  • Wilter C. Morales-García Universidad Peruana Unión. Lima, Perú. Author https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1208-9121




Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Risk Factors, Findrisk Test, University Students, Public Health


Introduction: Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disease with high global prevalence, affecting 463 million people and projected to reach 642 million by 2040. In Ecuador, it is one of the main causes of mortality, especially among women. Objective: To evaluate the risk of this disease in students of an educational institute using the Findrisk test. Methods: A quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out, applying the Findrisk test to 234 students. The sampling was non-probabilistic by convenience, and the data were processed with SPSS version 22. Results and discussion: 58.5% of the students had a low risk of developing diabetes. Most of the students had a normal weight BMI (52.1%), although 28.6% were overweight and 15.8% obese. Regarding abdominal perimeter, 65% of the students had normal measurements, but 35% were at high or very high risk. The youth of the population studied explains the predominance of low risk. However, there was a trend of increased risk associated with sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits, exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusions: The risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus is mostly low in the population studied, but educational and physical activity programs should be implemented to mitigate the risks associated with sedentary lifestyle and poor diet.


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How to Cite

Godoy Cagua AN, Granja Ati NS, Enríquez Jácome M Ángel, Morales-García WC. Risk of diabetes mellitus type 2 in students of the Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tsáchila, Santo Domingo, Santo Domingo, 2022. Interamerican Journal of Health Sciences [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 20 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];3:165 . Available from: https://ijhsc.uai.edu.ar/index.php/ijhsc/article/view/165