Nursing Care Process in HIV patients at the OrphAids Foundation, Santo Domingo, 2022


  • Katherine Ximena Bravo Cabrera Instituto Superior Tecnológico Adventista del Ecuador. Santo Domingo, Ecuador. Author
  • Jennifer A. Lizcano-Ramirez Instituto Superior Tecnológico Adventista del Ecuador. Santo Domingo, Ecuador. Author
  • Wilter C. Morales-García Universidad Peruana Unión. Lima, Perú. Author



HIV, Nursing Care Process, Orphaids Foundation, Patient Education, Nursing Intervention


Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) remains a critical global challenge. This study applied the nursing care process to HIV patients at the OrphAids Foundation in Santo Domingo in 2023. The research identified sociodemographic data, level of HIV knowledge, altered needs, formulated nursing diagnoses, and developed and implemented an action plan, evaluating the results obtained. The design was quantitative, non-experimental, field and descriptive cross-sectional with eight participants aged 14 to 22 years. The findings revealed deficiencies in hydration, physical activity, sleep and emotional well-being. Post-intervention, there was a marked improvement in HIV knowledge, demonstrating the effectiveness of the nursing care process. This study highlights the importance of comprehensive nursing care in improving the quality of life of HIV patients.


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How to Cite

Bravo Cabrera KX, Lizcano-Ramirez JA, Morales-García WC. Nursing Care Process in HIV patients at the OrphAids Foundation, Santo Domingo, 2022. Interamerican Journal of Health Sciences [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 20 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];3:156. Available from: