Factors associated with weight loss trajectory in adults after sleeve gastrectomy
Bariatric Surgery, Sleeve gastrectomy, Percentage of excess weight loss, Factors associated, PostoperativeAbstract
Background: Sleeve gastrectomy (SG) showed an increasing trend, as a primary bariatric procedure, within the last few years, based on outcomes in terms of weight loss and improvement or remission of the comorbidities. Multiple factors have been reported to influence weight loss trajectories after bariatric surgery (BS), therefore the aim of the study was to determine, if there are differences between weight loss trajectories based on time according to demographic and clinical factors at 3, 6 and 12-months post SG.
Material and methods: retrospective review of 267 patients who underwent laparoscopic SG, between 2010 and 2019, assisted in a public hospital in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, were included. A two-factor repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) and a multiple linear regression analyses were performed.
Results: the global percent of weight loss (%EWL) at 3, 6, and 12 months postoperative (post-op) averaged 39.1%, 60.3%, and 73.4% respectively and differences were significant according to time. Regarding differences between intergroup factors, at 12 months post-op, patients younger than 50 years, with an initial BMI lower than 50 kg/m2, childhood-adolescence obesity onset, and not having T2DM, lost 15,2%, 14,8%, 13,9%, and 9,5%, more EWL, compared to the group with aged 50 and over initial BMI greater than or equal to 50 kg/m2, having T2DM and adulthood obesity onset, respectively. All differences were significant.
Conclusion: Detection of factors that act as barriers or facilitators to weight loss post-op may allow establishing more realistic objectives according to each patient's characteristics, and may optimize the post-op follow-ups.
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