Utility of the routine use of coagulation times in non-cardiac elective surgery
Hemorrhage, Preoperative, Clotting time, non-cardiacAbstract
The purpose of this paper is to determine the utility of the routine use of coagulation times in the preoperative evaluation in patients scheduled for elective non-cardiac surgery, to predict the risk of trans-surgical hemorrhagic complication, for which a systematic review of the type was carried out. quantitative by meta-analysis with search in Health Sciences databases: PubMED, Cochrane Library Plus, Google Scholar, Redalyc and Scielo using DeCS/MeSH terms coagulation times, non-cardiac elective surgery; joined by the boolean operator AND and filters Adults, since 2018, controlled clinical trials. The Jadad scale for risk of bias was applied, as well as to determine the quality of the study. Relative risk was the effect measure for a CI95 and an error of 0.05. Four controlled clinical trials were included, which showed that there is no relationship between bleeding complications and the average values of PT or TTP, since these were not significantly different in both groups
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