Factors that influence Arterial Hypertension in adults aged 35 to 60 Nueva San Rafael Health Center-Esmeraldas





risk factores, hanits, sedentary


The research was carried out at the Nueva San Rafael Health Center with the objective of identifying the risk factores involved in the development of arterial hypertension in adult patiens. Study of qualitative and quantitative paragigms, theoretical methods, inductive-deductive, historiological and analytical-synthetic, observation, empirical method, appliend research, proposal and data collection , survey and postsurvery rechanique; the following results werw achieved ; risk factores that complicate the development of arterial hypertension, family history with arterial hypertension and are more likely to acquire the disease, bad healthy habits to develop arterial hypertension, the preence of overweight The proposal was given talks, forums, triptychs and billboards that constituted in the reuction of said factores of hypertension the post survey where  significant improvements in estig habits were identified, the importance of constant physical  activity and medical control and self-control


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How to Cite

Nazate Chuga ZR, Pozo Hernández CE, Meneses Ponce SC. Factors that influence Arterial Hypertension in adults aged 35 to 60 Nueva San Rafael Health Center-Esmeraldas. Interamerican Journal of Health Sciences [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 8 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];4:141. Available from: https://ijhsc.uai.edu.ar/index.php/ijhsc/article/view/141