Prevalence of Reproductive or Developmental Disorders in women who work on the “FLORSANI LTDA” Plantation




Pesticides, Agriculture, Floriculture, Agrochemicals


The present research was carried out in the flower plantation "Florsani Ltda" in the parish of San Isidro, with women of childbearing age, women who are going through their gestational period, with the objective of determining if there is the presence of reproductive or developmental alterations within this group. The project was developed with bibliographic and field research, with both qualitative and quantitative modality with non-experimental design and having descriptive and correlational scopes. Among the most relevant results it was observed that 23.3% of the mothers had a spontaneous abortion and a preterm birth, 6.7% were born with some anomalies, 26.7% worked more than 8 hours a day, it was observed that only 6.6% of the biosafety measures used all the biosecurity measures. It was observed that only 6.6% used all the biosafety measures such as the use of masks, goggles, overalls and gloves, and it was found that the most used chemical is Tracer with 50%, thus increasing the risk factors in women in fertile state or in the gestation period. With this knowledge, a proposal was made to help women to reduce the risk factors both in their fertile age and when they are pregnant, avoiding the diseases that this entails


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How to Cite

Aveiga Hidalgo MV, Escobar Bastidas LD, Montenegro Rodríguez JJ, Enríquez López LM. Prevalence of Reproductive or Developmental Disorders in women who work on the “FLORSANI LTDA” Plantation. Interamerican Journal of Health Sciences [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 11 [cited 2024 Sep. 18];4:138. Available from: