Orthodontic settlement using Aesthetic Pins in the Upper Arch. Report of a case
Orthodontics, dental biprotrusion, premolar extractionsAbstract
Orthodontics is a specialty of dentistry which is responsible for the care and correction of dental malpositions and maxillofacial disorders, through a sequence and treatment plan, harmony in the teeth is obtained as a result. The final stage of an orthodontic treatment presents greater susceptibility to innovation and implementation of new techniques, therefore, in the present clinical case, the objective was to show an alternative to seating and its effects in a patient whose treatment is in the final stages. A 13-year-old female patient comes to a private practice, looking for a solution to moderate crowding present in both arches, she presents a straight profile with lip biprotrusion, with good smile and lip symmetry, right and left molar class I, right and left canine class III, dentally she presents severe crowding accompanied by clear protrusion and proclination of the incisors. Given the complications, the extraction of premolars was chosen to generate space and finally an alternative was used to finish the treatment. It is used: the use of fluid resin pins in the dental pieces and elastic therapy is performed. It was possible to demonstrate after two months of treatment a correct settlement, the torques and tip of the upper pieces that were ligated, do not present an alteration, the relationship of the midline was accentuated. A healthy smile is known to lead to a better lifestyle and self-esteem
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Copyright (c) 2024 Adrián Isaac Toala Tapia, Bryan Gonzalo Eras Jumbo, Gina Ivanoba Cadena Rosero, Cristian Gerald De Pablo Chapiliquin (Author)

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