Strategies to improve adherence to diabetes treatment in elderly adults at health center #1




adherence, diabetes, treatment, older adults


Diabetes is a chronic disease, it occurs when the body does not produce enough insulin, therefore, adherence to treatment is an important factor to prevent the development of complications of diabetes. The present investigation was developed with the objective of developing strategies that allow improving adherence to diabetes treatment in older adults at Health Center #1 in the city of Tulcán. The project has a qualitative-quantitative approach of a descriptive and cross-sectional type, the data collection technique was the survey which was applied to 20 people of legal age. It was obtained as a result that 60% of the people surveyed stated that they are medicated with insulin, while 40% are medicated with tablets or pills. It is concluded that there is not a good adherence in the patients of the health Center #1 of the city of Tulcán, having the risk of continuing to develop complications from the disease. In conclusion, within the investigation it was possible to theoretically based on the adherence to the treatment of diabetes in older adults and we found that the socioeconomic factor is the one that most affects patients who cannot access the necessary medication for the control of diabetes can occur


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How to Cite

Nazate Chuga ZR, Alonzo Pico OM, Montenegro Revelo DA. Strategies to improve adherence to diabetes treatment in elderly adults at health center #1. Interamerican Journal of Health Sciences [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 11 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];4:135. Available from: