Arterial Hypertension in the older adults of the Sara Espíndola de Burbano Asylum in Ciudad Tulcán




Hypertension, obesity, physical activity


The promotion of comprehensive health through daily psychophysical practice for older adults with arterial hypertension (AHT) together with pharmacosafety (FS) in the use of antihypertensives are notable strategies to contribute to comprehensive health, quality and life expectancy of the elderly (AM).

The FS is an essential clinical tool for the planning of plans, programs, projects and execution procedures of the health care service (SAS) towards the prevention, monitoring, follow-up and evaluation of the identification of any adverse event (AE) to the drug. . Considering that the use of drugs by prescription or self-medication, although it causes the desired therapeutic effect; it can also induce AE, such as an adverse drug reaction (ADR), a drug interaction or a problem related to the use of the drug (PRUM) until it causes a negative or ineffective effect.

The objective of the research work was to determine complications of arterial hypertension in the elderly of the Sara Espíndola de Burbano Asylum in the city of Tulcán. Study that was developed under a non-experimental descriptive design; The most significant results determined that 10 women participated in the research, corresponding to 59%, there are also 7 older adults with arterial hypertension corresponding to 41.2%, 47.1% consumed alcohol before being diagnosed with hypertension, 53 % present other pathologies such as obesity, 41.2% did not perform any physical activity, this makes us think and confirm that before presenting hypertension there are some factors that influence the presence of this pathology


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How to Cite

Alonzo Pico OM, Aveiga Hidalgo MV, Pozo Hernández CE. Arterial Hypertension in the older adults of the Sara Espíndola de Burbano Asylum in Ciudad Tulcán. Interamerican Journal of Health Sciences [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 11 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];4:132. Available from: