Marfan syndrome. A case presentation




Marfan syndrome, Clinic


A patient with Marfan Syndrome was reported, a rare entity, was presented; with the aim of highlighting that despite the fact that the disease is infrequent, if it is present it is diagnosed, a 14-year-old patient who came to the clinic for precordial pain when doing physical exercises and shortness of breath, during the interrogation it was discovered that he had a family history of thoracic malformations, it was also found that she had a pectus excavatum-type thoracic deformity, joint laxity with a positive wrist sign, flat feet, diastolic murmur in aortic focus, the complementary tests revealed a pectus excavatum-type deformity of the sternum in the chest X-ray, echocardiography found a dilation of the aortic root with slight aortic insufficiency, when examined by ophthalmology it was evidenced that she had ectopia of the lens, Therefore, the diagnosis was made according to the Ghent criteria, as well as we made some differential diagnoses with the aim of ruling out other diseases


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How to Cite

Ezcurdia Barzaga MC, Troya Altamirano CA, Betancourt Rubio EC. Marfan syndrome. A case presentation. Interamerican Journal of Health Sciences [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 11 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];4:127. Available from: