Mechanisms of infection and immune evasion of Trichinella spiralis, a Literature Review




Trichinella spiralis, immune response, trichinosis, infection, host, inflammation


Trichinosis begins when a person eats raw or undercooked meat that contains Trichinella larvae. Once inside the digestive tract, the larvae break free and break through the intestinal wall, entering the blood and lymphatic vessels. They then migrate through the bloodstream and spread to various tissues in the body, such as muscles, where they continue to develop.

Once the larvae reach the muscles, they develop into an immature stage called "infective muscle cells" or "coil cells." These cells are surrounded by a protective capsule, formed by the inflammatory reaction of the host. Within these capsules, the larvae evade the host's immune response and become highly resistant to destruction.

Trichinella is capable of evading and modulating the host's immune response. The larvae release molecules that can inhibit the activation of cells of the immune system and reduce the production of proinflammatory cytokines, which contributes to the persistence of the parasite in muscle tissue. The presence of the larvae encapsulated in the muscles can cause tissue damage, inflammation and muscle pain.

Trichinella pathogenicity mechanisms are also related to its ability to complete its life cycle. When an infected host dies, the larvae are released back into the muscles and can infect other carnivorous animals that eat their meat, thus closing the cycle


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How to Cite

Moya MMA, Carrera Aldaz GA, Poveda Paredes FX. Mechanisms of infection and immune evasion of Trichinella spiralis, a Literature Review. Interamerican Journal of Health Sciences [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 11 [cited 2025 Jan. 18];4:123. Available from: