Comparative Study of the Cad-Cam Technique vs. The Conventional Technique in the elaboration of Fixed Zirconia Prostheses
CAD-CAM technique, conventional technique, zirconium fixed prosthesisAbstract
Background: The fabrication of fixed zirconia prostheses has experienced significant advancements with the incorporation of CAD-CAM techniques, but conventional techniques that require lower investment in specialized technology and equipment are also commonly employed. Objective: This article aims to compare CAD-CAM techniques versus conventional techniques in the development of fixed zirconia prostheses. The properties of zirconia in its use for dental restorations are identified, the technique that provides better marginal fit precision and quality in fixed zirconia prostheses is determined, and patient satisfaction regarding the aesthetics and comfort of prostheses fabricated using both techniques is assessed. Methods: A literature review was conducted by reviewing articles published in indexed academic journals within the last 5 years. Specific inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied based on PRISMA statement guidelines, in the identification, screening, eligibility, and inclusion phases. A total of 13 articles that met the quality parameters were ultimately selected. Results: The properties of zirconia oxide can be summarized as good mechanical strength, biocompatibility, aesthetics, wear and corrosion resistance, and dimensional stability. Researchers have concluded that CAD-CAM dental systems have represented a significant advancement in dentistry by providing high-quality fixed dental restorations, as this technology enables the fabrication of structures with a high level of precision. Both CAD-CAM and conventional methods can achieve a satisfactory aesthetic finish in fixed zirconia prostheses, depending on the skill and experience of the practitioner. There is no compelling evidence that one technique alters the properties of zirconium more than others. Conclusions: Although both techniques have their advantages and limitations, it is evident that CAD-CAM technology has demonstrated benefits in various aspects. It allows for better adaptation and fit of zirconia dental prostheses, which can enhance patient comfort and reduce the need for subsequent adjustments
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Copyright (c) 2024 Jenny Victoria Manosalvas Tapia, Víctor Hugo Parreño Gallo, Noemi Estefani Morales Morales, Tatiana Lucrecia Pancho Chavarrea (Author)

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