Postoperative assessment in Dental Exodontia in Diabetic Patients




Exodontia, diabetes, postoperative period, healing, complications


The postoperative period following dental extractions in diabetic patients is a topic of interest in dentistry because of the potential complications associated with diabetes, such as delayed wound healing and increased risk of infection. The scientific literature has investigated various aspects of the postoperative period in diabetic patients undergoing dental extractions. Some studies have highlighted the importance of optimal glycemic control before, during and after the procedure to minimize the risk of complications. Maintaining blood glucose levels within the target range can promote proper healing and reduce the risk of infection. The prescription of medications, such as analgesics and antibiotics, is also a factor to consider in the postoperative period in diabetic patients. The choice and appropriate dosage of these drugs should take into account the individual characteristics of the patient and possible drug interactions with antidiabetic treatments. In addition, it has been observed that diabetic patients may have a higher prevalence of periodontal disease, which may influence the postoperative response to dental extractions. Therefore, it is important to adequately evaluate and treat any periodontal disease prior to tooth extraction to optimize postoperative outcomes. Collaboration between the dentist and the diabetic patient's treating physician is essential for a multidisciplinary and personalized approach to postoperative management. This implies a comprehensive evaluation of the patient, considering his or her general health, glycemic control, medication and any existing diabetic complications. Thus, it is concluded that the postoperative period of dental exodontia in diabetic patients requires specialized care and an individualized approach. Glycemic control, adequate pain management, infection prevention and treatment of periodontal disease are key aspects to take into account in order to achieve optimal healing and minimize complications


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How to Cite

Dávila Alemán LF, Escobar Guanochanga LB, Ortiz González JL. Postoperative assessment in Dental Exodontia in Diabetic Patients. Interamerican Journal of Health Sciences [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 11 [cited 2025 Jan. 18];4:115. Available from: