Assessment of cases of Oral Candidiasis in dental offices of the Canton Salcedo




Alcohol, Candidiasis, proliferation, oral, dentists, infection


Oral candidiasis is included within the normal oral flora of individuals, but it is its exaggerated proliferation that could cause alterations in the hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity, generating irreversible damage on many occasions, it is considered the main agent of fungal infections, which is why it is necessary to assess cases of oral candidiasis in dental offices in the Salcedo canton, requiring research with a quantitative cross-sectional approach, with a descriptive scope through field research since The information was taken from dentists in the Salcedo canton who, with their answers, let us know that in the canton there has not been a high percentage of oral candidiasis problems in the patients who come to each of the dental offices for treatment


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How to Cite

Culqui Molina WP, Moscoso Silva MV, Andrea Mishel AM, Vaca Aimacaña LB. Assessment of cases of Oral Candidiasis in dental offices of the Canton Salcedo. Interamerican Journal of Health Sciences [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 11 [cited 2024 Sep. 18];4:112. Available from: