Detail quality of Upper Labial Frenulum on Alginate Impressions using cheek retractors




Upper labial frenulum, Alginate, Cheek retractor, Dental impressions, Comfort, University students


Objective: To compare the impression quality of an alginate with and without the use of cheek retractors. Materials and methods: Experimental in-vitro study, two alginate impressions (with and without cheek spacers) were taken from 10 people of 36 students from 2 'B' of Dentistry, excluding students with orthodontics. Alginate and Cavex water meter, alginate mixing bowl, alginate spatula, perforated metal trays, amount of alginate and water according to manufacturer's instructions, Maquira plastic cheek spacers were used. Results: The appearance of a complete frenulum was 70% and 30% incomplete with the use of cheek retractors, while without the use of retractors, only 30% of the impressions presented complete frenulum and 70% incomplete frenulum.  Conclusions: Using cheek retractors increases the detail of the complete upper labial frenulum compared to not using it


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How to Cite

Zumba Morales DY, Villafuerte Montero IA, Llundo Michilena SG, Granda Macías LA. Detail quality of Upper Labial Frenulum on Alginate Impressions using cheek retractors. Interamerican Journal of Health Sciences [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 11 [cited 2025 Jan. 14];4:111. Available from: