Presence of an included mesiodens. Report of a case




Supernumerary tooth, mesiodens, retained tooth


Introduction: Supernumerary teeth are additional teeth to the normal formula, in turn these can be retained; that is to say that they are prevented from erupting due to anomalies of position or situation. Objective: The objective of this work is to report the clinical case of an included mesiodens, its affectations in the oral cavity and the surgical treatment. Case report: A 20 year old male patient presented several dental malpositions; in addition to the radiographic examination (panoramic x-ray) the presence of a supernumerary tooth compatible with a mesiodens was observed, which due to its location was affecting the roots of the teeth and caused the partial extrusion of tooth 2.1 and the widening of its periodontal ligament. An occlusal radiograph was requested to establish the best approach. After the radiological diagnosis of the supernumerary tooth, surgical treatment was performed. Conlusion: In the present clinical case, the presence of impacted teeth is observed, indicating that some teeth have failed to fully emerge into the oral cavity. These impacted teeth may be causing dental misalignment, malposition and possible bite problems. Detailed radiographic evaluation and clinical analysis suggest the need to consider treatment options, such as extraction or surgical intervention, to allow proper eruption and restore optimal dental function and esthetics


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Case Report

How to Cite

María Paula Cevallos Cáceres MPCC, María Fernanda Araujo Tapia MFAT, Gavilanes Bayas EC, Pallo Sarabia MS. Presence of an included mesiodens. Report of a case. Interamerican Journal of Health Sciences [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 11 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];4:108. Available from: