Importance of the percentage of pregnant students in the Uniandes Ambato headquarters in the period may-september 2023
pregnant, university, student, psychologyAbstract
In the 26 years of existence of the Regional Autonomous University of the Andes, there has not been a database that specifies the number of pregnant women who pursue their university studies in the different careers that it grants, the need has arisen to carry out an accurate and reliable collection of information on it; With this, the recently created career of Obstetrics could put into practice its professional profile in training, since the prevention, promotion, diagnosis and treatment of pregnancy, childbirth and lactation is one of its main roles
Its main objective is: To identify the number of pregnant women who are studying a university career in order to determine the perspective and conceptualization of authorities, teachers, and thus identify what would be the ideal conditions for their development.
Materials and methods: A quantitative non-experimental applied survey was conducted
Results of a universe of 503 students were obtained 10 students in gestation which represents 2% of the university community, as we will see later a series of factors that are directly involved in the results will justify the field of action of the student of obstetrics in this category
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Copyright (c) 2024 Laica Sailema Silvia Alexandra, Ramos Velastegui Alexander Javier, Shirley Marjorie Quispe Campoverde (Author)
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