Determination of the causes of denial of the definitive contraceptive method of multiparous mothers who attend the Gynecology Service of the General Hospital Iess Latacunga




Family planning, contraceptive methods, definitive contraception, fallopian tube ligation


Family planning is a right enjoyed by the population of childbearing age and allows them to decide responsibly whether or not to have children, however there are factors that affect the choice of an optimal contraceptive method, leading to not establishing good family planning. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the causes of denial of the definitive contraceptive method of multiparous mothers who attend the gynecology service of the IESS Latacunga General Hospital, which was carried out through qualitative, phenomenological research and descriptive, applying structured interviews of 15 questions to women over 18 years of age, multiparous and admitted to the gynecology area. It prevailed with 57% of the age group between 20-34 years. 88% have received advice on contraceptive methods, 60% intend to opt for tubal ligation, ignorance was obtained as causes of denial of the definitive method of contraception, prevailing with 33.4%. On the other hand, 23.3% They still plan to expand their family, 15% do not have approval from their partner, 11.7% report that the cost is a limitation to access this service, 10% are afraid of infertility, and finally 6, 6% do not perform such a procedure for fear of complications opting for injectable contraceptives 40% considering them more effective and useful continuous and personalized education through educational talks will serve to promote the sexual and reproductive health of Ecuadorians.


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How to Cite

Barrera Loayza SK, Cayo Álvarez OS, López Gómez JA. Determination of the causes of denial of the definitive contraceptive method of multiparous mothers who attend the Gynecology Service of the General Hospital Iess Latacunga. Interamerican Journal of Health Sciences [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 22 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];4:101. Available from: